In this project we will bring into view and create new methods and best practices for the instruction of students in the work-based learning and create internationalization strategy for Suomen Nuoriso-opisto together with the participating organisation.
Target groups of our project are teachers in vocational education and training institutions (Suomen Nuoriso-opisto and Social- og Sundhedsskolen Midt- og Vestjylland), workplace instructors and students.
Work-based learning has important role in vocational education and training. Students have different acquirements in acquisition of competence and demostrating competence in workplaces. To support students in all these activities in the workplaces this requires different methods to support students individual needs and targets. During the project both teachers and workplace instructors will develop methods and best practices of student instruction in work-based learning, where we also participate students in this process. By developing how to support and instruct the students in work-based learning and creating new methods, utilizing working life cooperation both in Suomen Nuoriso-opisto and Social- og Sundhedsskolen Midt- og Vestjylland, it will increase the quality of education in both institutions.
We will create internationalization strategy for Suomen Nuoriso-opisto utilizing internationalization strategy of social- og sundhedsskolen in Herning. The goals of internationalization strategy is to develop the students base of internationality and multiculturalism, to develop students into open, active and knowledgeable international actors who will respect and accept different people and cultures.
With this project participating organization will develop teachers and workplace instructor knowledge and will create a process to develop workplace instruction together with Suomen Nuoriso-opisto.
With cooperation we are able to bring into view and create new best practices which will increase the quality of instruction of student in work-based learning and the field of vocational education and training both in Finland and Denmark.